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13 July 2011


Greyhounds CAN Sit

Brrr, it hasn't even got that cold here YET! But it will happen. At least I've got gas heating. I didn't know it got that cold in Q'land. Hope you're warmer tonight:)


People were talking about it being a record. I don't know. 2011 is the year of the extreme. It was hard going from jammies to shower. There's usually an expectation of nudity. That'd mean my kidneys would be exposed. EEEEEEE!


So it was a two dog, one cat night? Brrrr! I hope tonight is better!


Nothing I love better than a dog or two under the covers on a cold night. They're like little furnaces. Now that it's summer here, not so much :)

Katy the Greaty

From December to February, I kindly ask the hounds not to exhale.

Katy the Greaty

Last night was much better. Kicked off a few blankets, too.


ha - cute pic! Where was Omo?


Brr, that would be pretty chilly with no heat.


no heat..wow. Of course, 34F is still early winter for us.
it was 103F here yesterday.

Grey Lady

I wish we could share my 90 degree heat. I could stand it a little cooler in the states.

Simon S

Cool pics, interesting post.

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